Saturday, June 09, 2007

speaking of regalia

So, as I mentioned below, I am finished with all my grad school work. My professor liked my paper.. well her exact words were, "I like your paper, even though it could be more solid..I posted your grade". Fine by me! It's done and an A- is not the worst grade ever for a sort of Thesis like culminating project. Anyway, I decided to change my RSVP for the Commencement Ceremony after the visual image of myself dressed in a hot gown stuck in the middle of 6000 students at All State Arena came to light. Screw that, I thought... I'll just use the day to celebrate privately with friends and wait for that degree to make its way to my mailbox via USPS.
Now that I'm done...

1 comment:

Tasara said...

"Celebrating privately with friends" sounds like you're having an orgy!