Tuesday, November 01, 2005

well almost

I'm back... well almost. It's been quite the busy past two weeks. Yes, I am still behind in school. Sometimes I forget that I have an independent study. :( sadness. Three more papers to do for that class with about three weeks to do it. Not bad. Feminist Theories has been kicking my butkuss. I mean seriously. I have to co lead discussion tomorrow night and just finished reading all 11 articles and summarized them. Work has been crazy lately also. 6am three days in a row this week and then two days in the suburbs at a new store. Good night. I do have the wierdest trips to the 'burbs. Otherwise life has been decent. I can't wait till Thanksgiving. Then I will be done with classes for this quarter and can relax a bit. I must go to bed. My weariness is setting in. Hopefully more to come soon...

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