Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Winter is near

It is snowy outside, 25 degrees, and a wind chill of 13! Oh joyous winter is near. So, wearing three thick layers this morning to work was not fashionably acceptable, but this is Chicago baby and it gets mighty cold. This little taste of winter weather is a great welcome as we finish our Holiday 2 floorset and prepare to be visited by the big wigs tomorrow. Tonight is also my last night of class, which is great. Time for food, drinks, and hopefully just a little discussion. Soon it will be time to relax!


Allison said...

Ross I believe you pose a great point. Winter is officially here. I have been a good chicago girl and bundled to the nines! Even if its AFC (ass fucking cold), I still hope to be fashionable. I hope that you are doing the same during this cold winter season.

philidendron said...

david-i must point out that while you call the winter season "joyous," you mostly complain about how cold it is and dread going out. Be careful with your words....they may come back to haunt you next time I want to wait in line to go to TMLMTBGB.

bwa ha ha ha