Saturday, January 16, 2010

the death of a tree

Tomorrow is the last day to get your Christmas Tree recycled in Chicago, and yes, we still have our Christmas Tree standing. At this moment Philip is un-decorating the tree while singing Christmas Songs and whining about how Christmas was only 3 weeks ago but feels like forever ago, followed by some statement about how much he loves Christmas.

Luckily for me tearing down Christmas decorations is not as important as putting them up for Philip, when every ornament I hang is constantly scrutinized for proper location. Decorating tends to work best when we each do something when the other isn't home and then the other "fixes" it when the first isn't home. I think we are down to a system now.

We hope to get this tree to Margate Park by tomorrow so that the city can mulch it and continue beautifying our parks and wherever the heck else they put thousands of Christmas tree mulch. I figure this little donation will save me a dollar down the road somewhere, right? If we succeed we will have made ourselves a bit greener than last year when we missed the cutoff date and had our tree in the house into the beginning of February. I vaguely remember dragging the carcass through my condo hallway to the back door and sometime later purchasing a saw to hack the poor thing into pieces small enough to fit into our dumpster. I remember vaguely as if it was a bad dream that should have never happened.

So back to un-decorating I go and to greenifying Chicago a tiny bit more.


philidendron said...

for the rest of the story:


Christa & Scott said...

ahhh I'm so glad you're back.